Thursday, April 21, 2011

Early Phenomenology Conference

I'll be giving a paper at the Early Phenomenology Conference in Steubenville, OH. The group at Franciscan University at Steubenville is very oriented towards Scheler in general. I can make some contacts, discuss his work and I'm giving a paper on Husserl.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

Reason #44 not to do a philosophy degree:

Hobnobbing proficiency is required if you're to have any hope of success as an academic philosopher.

Carbondale Chasmite said...

Then, I'll just agree to disagree.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Agree to disagree that it's required, or that it's a bad thing?

Carbondale Chasmite said...

Neither. I disagree it is hobsnobbing proficiency and do not deride what it is that I do. Moreover, I respect those that know more than me, and am very excited to have this opportunity to finally present in my chosen specialization. I count this as a reason to be a philosopher, not against.

You've made your point countless times that you think philosophy irrelevant. I'll no longer respond to, or allow anymore comments here about the irrelevance of philosophy. You can, of course, respond in part or disagree with something I say (which would be doing philosophy), but that -- according to you -- would be to engage in irrelevance.